If you know that the make-up and skin care products contain many hazardous toxins, petroleum products and dangerous carcinogenic substances that cause cancer, not to mention irritating fragrances, which are still used today? Studies have shown that more than 4.5 kilograms of chemicals absorbed by the average consumer in Skin Care.
Let us consider some of the potentially harmful ingredients. Mineral oil is in many products. It is derived from oil and oily film on the skin lock in moisture. But he also indicated in toxins, dry skin and protect from moisture becomes available. Furthermore, it was listed under the Johns Hopkins study on the # 2 cause of aging.
DEA and PABA with a nitrosamine skin, forming agents increase the risk of liver, and kidney cancer. They can cause allergic reactions and irritate the eyes. Most sunscreens contain these components.
Most antiperspirants contain aluminum and antiseptics. This component is associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Alpha hydroxy acid helps the skin exfoliëren damaged skin cells and healthy skin cells. By Long-term use can lead to damage of the skin in the long term.
Finally, fitting the aroma compounds commonly used in Cosmetics and Skincare products. They are usually based on petroleum and can cause headaches, dizziness, skin rashes and breathing problems.
Now that you have some of the dangers of pressure chemical ingredient found in ken-care and cosmetic products, you can better evaluate what products to use and to avoid them.
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